


Welcome to eXchange
eXchange is a system for handling all products that are not repaired, such as RMA, DOA and low-cost products. Reclaimit AB has developed eXchange in close cooperation with retailers and some of their suppliers. Reclaimit AB owns, manages operations and provides support for the system.
eXchange has been in operation since 2009 and is today used by retailers as for example Power Nordic, Salling Group, NetOnNet, Coop Norway.

eXchange is built around a simple interface where all parties, retailers, suppliers, distributors and workshops, can easily follow an errand from being registered to it is credited and completed. The system includes all the basic features but also a distributor role, price correction, logistics and an administration interface for the store chain with the ability to monitor all errands in all of the chain stores.

Serviceinfo is also integrated with a number of other external IT systems, and with that, Reclaimit AB has extensive experience in system integration, which is important for further development and growth. The advantage of developing and operating these systems in Reclaimit AB's direction is that there is a short path between customer requests, through decision-making / testing and deployment.

Reclaimit AB tries to be responsive to its customers and meets their suggestions for improvement, especially if it benefits all users of the system.